4 research outputs found

    The Effort of Immigrant for Survival in a New Country, Study Case: Russia

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    In this essay presents a critical understanding about immigrant way of living in a new country. Russia as a country with the big geographical aspect that also become a house for immigrant have their own special way to handle the immigrant. How the immigrant can socialize with the new environment and the issue facing for them as the newcomer in one society, how they get a proper job and how the culture difference influences their daily life will get analysed in this paper.  This research is conducted in Russia and use a qualitative research method such as interviewing, data analysis, graph, table, book, journal, article, newspaper and news to answer the research question. This research will give the contribution how the issue of immigrant influences the life of native people, how they contribute to the society and how the Russian government policy dealt with the negative stereotype about immigrant in Russia then how we would help immigrants thrive, these are the question that this research will help to answer. Keywords: Immigrant, Russia, culture difference, thrive, Russian governmen


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    Abstract: In his research, Christopher R. Duncan stated that one of the longest running conflicts in the post-Suharto era occurred in the eastern part of Indonesia, in North Maluku Province. This paper will explain the impact of the conflict during 1999-2000 in recent days. What are the real factors that caused the conflict? North Maluku has a lot of issues regarding the separation with Maluku province and is a new province. In the recent days, North Maluku is so famous for their internal issue like demonstration, ethnic conflict because of their ego and brawl everywhere by the students. The stereotype that native people who live in the Eastern part are harsh, rude and always fight with each other make people who live in the Eastern part are famous for the conflict.Keywords: North Maluku, ethnic conflict, separation, demonstrationAbstrak: Penelitian yang dilakukan Christopher R. Duncan menyatakan bahwa salah satu konflik berkepanjangan pasca Era Suharto terjadi di Indonesia bagian timur, yakni Provinsi Maluku Utara. Paper ini akan membahas dampak yang muncul saat ini akibat konflik yang terjadi pada 1999-2000. Apa faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya konflik tersebut. Maluku Utara mempunyai banyak masalah terkait pemisahan degan Provinsi Maluku dan pembentukan provinsi baru. Saat ini, Maluku Utara terkenal dengan masalah internal mereka seperti demonstrasi, konflik etnis karena ego dan perse-lisihan antar remaja. Stereotipe tentang penduduk asli di wilayah timur yang cenderung kasar, tidak sopan dan selalu bertengkar satu sama lain membuat orang yang tinggal di wilayah Timur terkenal dengan konfliknya. Kata-kata kunci: Maluku Utara, konflik etnis, pemisahan, demonstrasi.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um020v11i22017p16

    Russia-ASEAN Summit 2016: Improvement For The Better Strategic Partnership

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    AbstractThis article tries to elaborate the impact for the cooperation between ASEAN-Russia in economic and political security. How the ways to increase their bilateral relations and bring positive impacts for both countries. ASEAN is often regarded as the paragon case of successful regional security cooperation and attributes its achievement to economy, social—cultural and political-security. In the recent years, ASEAN try to create many external relations with another country and Russia is one of them. ASEAN want to make a mutual relationship with others and solve the regional issue happen in many countries. Economy and political security will be the main issue for this cooperation. ASEAN and Russia start their bilateral relation for a long time ago but economic relations like trade is still low but they try hard to progress. After ASEAN summit 2016 in Sochi, Russia on 19-21 May a lot of agreement have been signed and people looking forward for the impact of this partnership.Keywords: ASEAN; strategic partnership; security; economy; political; ASEAN-Russia Summit 2016; sochiAbstrakArtikel ini mencoba untuk menguraikan dampak kerjasama antara ASEAN-Rusia dalam bidang keamanan ,ekonomi dan politik. Bagaimana cara meningkatkan hubungan bilateral antar kedua negara dan membawa dampak positif bagi kedua negara. ASEAN sering dianggap sebagai kasus paragon dari suksesnya kerjasama keamanan regional dan memberikan kontribusi prestasinya di bidang ekonomi, sosial budaya dan keamanan politik. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, ASEAN mencoba menciptakan banyak hubungan eksternal dengan negara lain dan Rusia adalah salah satunya. ASEAN ingin menjalin hubungan timbal balik dengan negara-negara lain dan memecahkan masalah regional yang terjadi di banyak negara. Ekonomi dan keamanan politik akan menjadi isu utama untuk kerja sama ini. ASEAN dan Rusia memulai hubungan bilateral mereka untuk waktu yang lama namun hubungan ekonomi seperti perdagangan masih rendah karena itu mereka berusaha keras untuk berkembang. Setelah KTT ASEAN 2016 di Sochi, Rusia pada tanggal 19-21 Mei banyak kesepakatan telah ditandatangani dan banyak pihak menantikan dampak dari kemitraan ini.Kata Kunci: ASEAN; kemitraan strategis; keamanan; ekonomi: politik; KTT ASEAN-Rusia 2016; soch

    Playing in Politics Towards the Better Education Policy in Indonesia

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    Emily Durkheim concluded that education could be reform only if society itself is reformed. He argued that education is the only image and reflection of society. Right now people just focus on the theory rather than practice in the education system. Even education right now cannot  separated with the politics. Politics play an important rule towards the better education system. The issue about the new minister of education and the withdrawal of the previous minister influence their policy also in the curriculum system. Indonesia has the fourth largest education system in the world yet in a landmark education report of 50 nations Indonesia ranked last.The future success of communities and thus nations depends on today’s youth and the education they access. Nowhere is education more important than in the world’s poorest communities. A lot of stigma that playing politics can give and advantage of maybe disadvantage for the education system in Indonesia